Middle of Nowhere Gushu 2016

Vietnam Thượng Sơn Trà Phổ Nhĩ sống Gushu 2016

Elegant, layered semi-aged old tree sheng with strong sweetness and taste reminding of orchids, sweet wood and a hint of camphor, and a long gentle aftertaste.

Origin: Thượng Sơn, Hà Giang, Vietnam
Cultivar: Big leaf old tea trees
Harvest: Spring 2016
Raw (Sheng) Puerh
Storage: Natural in Hà Giang 2016–⁠2018, "drier" (<70%) in Hanoi 2018–⁠2023

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440 Kč 2 900 Kč 160 Kč from 160 Kč
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Another huge surprise from our spring trip to Vietnam. If you know our other two sheng puer catches Secret Garden and Forgotten Valley, surely you won't be amazed by its quality?! What really shocked us personally about this cake is the fact how deeply, cleanly and qualitatively it's been archived and aged. Because, unfortunately, it is still not common in Vietnam. We know from our personal long-term experience that the concept of puerh storage is still in its infancy here, practically non-existent. Often, even very high-quality material, if left in Vietnam for more than one year, ripens too "wildly" and damp. And it only takes a few years and the shengs often turn into rather hard-to-drink shu.

However, this tea was produced by a Vietnamese merchant who, as one of the very few, archives it in a targeted and controlled manner in his "dry" warehouse. It is not a dry warehouse in the North Yunnan sense of the word. The result is more reminiscent of teas stored for a long time in Taiwan.

Category: 茶 Tea